Sunday, March 10, 2013


Growing up, I remember a worn out, old Clock, with a pendulum hanging in one corner of the church next door. During hot sunny afternoons of summer break when other kids were forced into the cooler sections of the house for afternoon siesta, I managed to escape, lie prostrate on the cold stone floors of the church and stare at the pendulum for hours. It would calm my hormones and the edgy nerves of adolescence. I would come out feeeling better. I can still recollect my determined steps back home after a long staring session at the pendulum. What gave me this high? The energy ; What was that created additional positive waves which just lifted me up
I believe the never ending swing of the clock and my perplexed eyeballs were quite a sight. Gradually, this fanciful obsession turned out into a lifetime admiration. Yes, I do admire the relentless energy of the pendulum! It Never stops.. Never stops swinging. Never really realized when this admiration of a perpetual movement was noticed by the ever powerful Universe! And the universe , all powerful it is, gave that movement to me in bounty!
Alhumdulillah... Yet another action! Yet another movement! Loads of energy required and Yes! the arm muscles will ripple and reach out to the sky.. Will create heaven right here .. Lets keep moving.. Lets never get tired!
Lets keep swinging... Relentlessly!

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